Our categories

One place,

Hundreds possibilities.

Discover the categorization of companies referenced on Octyer.
More than 650 categories to meet your requirements as precisely as possible.

Agriculture and Livestock


Art, creation


Building public works

Building Work, exterior and interior fit-up

Business services

Cardboard, paper

Computer science

Electronic, electrical equipment

Energy, water, sanitation

Finance, banking, insurance

Glass, building materials


Industriel mechanic


Legal services

Luxury products, leisure

Manufacturing, machining

Marketing, media, advertising

Metallurgy, metalworking

Pharmacy, chemistry

Plastic materials, rubber

Precision equipment

Printing, publishing

Public passenger transport, freight transport

Raw materials, energy

Real estate, housing

Service provider

Telecommunications industry


Tourism, travel, leisure

Trade in consumer goods

Transport and related services

Transport equipment and vehicles

Wood, furniture